The Best Wireless Gaming Mouse

We analyzed 9,031 reviews from 26 websites to find the best wireless gaming mouse. Sources included:
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Top Wireless Gaming Mice

Best for Most People
Best Wireless Gaming Mouse Logitech G703 Wireless Gaming Mouse
$80 from 5 stores
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Why Consider This:
Logitech G703 Lightspeed is the best because it’s as comfortable, reliable, and accurate as of its wired counterparts. Its right-handed shape fits most hand sizes and grips and it has six responsive buttons.
People Like:
  • Highly responsive sensor
  • Great wireless performance
  • Can be wirelessly charged
People Dislike:
  • Fairly expensive
  • Design is a little bland
  • PowerPlay is a pricey extra
Owner Score
370 Reviews from 4 Sites
Media & Critic Score
2 Media Reviews
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Best Value
Best Wireless Gaming Mouse Logitech  G305 Wireless Gaming Mouse
$53 from 14 stores
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Why Consider This:
The Logitech G305 Lightspeed is almost half the price of the G703 but it’s an excellent mouse. Some of our testers found the G305’s small size uncomfortable, but if you like the size the mouse’s ambidextrous shape can be comfortable across grip styles. It has six crisp buttons, an excellent 12,000 DPI sensor, and the same software as our main pick. At 250 hours, the battery life is considerably better than any other wireless gaming mouse we tested.
People Like:
  • Comfortable, sleek design
  • Great wireless features
  • Inexpensive
People Dislike:
  • No Bluetooth connectivity
  • Requires AA batteries
  • Minimal customization
Owner Score
1,135 Reviews from 11 Sites
Media & Critic Score
2 Media Reviews
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Top Performance
Best Wireless Gaming Mouse SteelSeries Rival 650 Wireless Gaming Mouse
$120 from 7 stores
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Why Consider This:
If you want a heavier mouse than the G703, get the SteelSeries Rival 650. Included weights can take the already heavy 121-gram mouse up to 153 grams, making it the heaviest mouse we tested. (The G703 weighs 107 grams and comes with an optional 10-gram weight.) The Rival 650 has an accurate sensor, and its wireless performance is good, with no dropouts or lag. Battery life is the same as the G703.
People Like:
  • High durability.
  • Excellent performance.
  • No perceptible jitter.
  • Can operate wirelessly or wired.
People Dislike:
  • Price a bit high.
  • No storage niche for USB dongle.
  • Inaccessible thumb buttons
Owner Score
1,428 Reviews from 5 Sites
Media & Critic Score
2 Media Reviews
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How to Find the Right Wireless Gaming Mouse

A wireless gaming mouse is more expensive than a wired one, but it’s worth considering if you want to reduce desk clutter, you tend to play games on the go on a laptop, or if you’re annoyed by cable drag and have no interest in a ridiculous mouse bungee. Wired mice are a little cheaper and are better for people who never want to worry about recharging or wireless interference. Both wired and wireless gaming mice are more comfortable while playing games, more accurate, and more customizable and have more buttons than a regular mouse. Although wireless gaming mice have a bad reputation, wireless technology is at a point where most people can use a wireless gaming mouse with no issues. Not all wireless technology is the same though, and we still see connectivity issues with some wireless gaming mice. A wireless mouse should have minimal latency, interference, or lag. For years, wireless wasn’t a good option on gaming mice because of latency or lag. Nowadays, there are wireless gaming mice that come with their own wireless dongles that support higher polling rates than Bluetooth or non-gaming wireless mice. If wireless is good enough for Overwatch pros, it’s plenty good for the rest of us.

Wireless Gaming Mice We Eliminated

We research and analyzed 7 wireless gaming mice. Here's what we concluded about the ones that didn't make the cut.
Razer Mamba  Wireless Gaming Mouse
Runner Up
Highly rated (79 owner score, 85 expert score), but a slight notch below the best.
Logitech G502 Lightspeed Wireless Gaming Mouse
Runner Up
Highly rated (88 owner score, 84 expert score), but a slight notch below the best.
Logitech G Pro Wireless Gaming Mouse
Runner Up
Highly rated (91 owner score, 81 expert score), but a slight notch below the best.
Logitech G603 Lightspeed Wireless Gaming Mouse
Runner Up
Highly rated (87 owner score, 75 expert score), but a slight notch below the best.

Sources & Methodology uses a combination of machine learning and human editors to help you find the best products.
We start by aggregating and analyzing reviews from real owners and industry critics. We remove spam, sponsored reviews, and other forms of bias to make sure you get the best possible sense of what people actually think about products.
We convert every review to a weight average score from 0 to 100.
For this article, we analyzed 9,031 reviews from 26 sites to find the best wireless gaming mouse.