The Best Trackball

We analyzed 49,662 reviews from 36 websites to find the best trackball. Sources included:
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Top Trackballs

Best for Most People
Best Trackball Logitech MX Ergo Wireless Trackball
$78 from 10 stores
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Why Consider This:
Trackball mice won't be for everyone, but if you're set on the form factor then the MX Ergo does everything you'd need it to. It's got a large, comfortable design, the trackball itself is smooth and accurate, and the ergonomic options are great. Left-handed mouse users may be disappointed by its right-handed only configuration, but otherwise there's little to dislike.
People Like:
  • Unique tilting stand lets you experiment between horizontal and semi-vertical orientation.
  • Good build quality.
  • Wireless.
People Dislike:
  • Expensive.
  • Right-handed only.
  • Struggles to perform precision cursor movements.
Owner Score
2,290 Reviews from 7 Sites
Media & Critic Score
2 Media Reviews
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Best Value
Best Trackball Logitech M570 Trackball
$30 from 2 stores
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Why Consider This:
The Logitech M570 Wireless Trackball Mouse puts an emphasis on comfort and ergonomics above all else. The trackball design takes some getting used to, but if you can get used to the unique input interface, this mouse will reward you with long-term comfort.
People Like:
  • Long battery life
  • Incredibly comfortable
  • Won’t damage desk
People Dislike:
  • Quite large
  • Takes some getting used to
  • Designed for only right-handed users.
Owner Score
32,031 Reviews from 2 Sites
Media & Critic Score
2 Media Reviews
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Top Performance
Best Trackball Kensington Expert Mouse Wireless Trackball
$85 from 10 stores
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Why Consider This:
Kensington hasn't dramatically changed the design of its trackball product in over a decade, but subtle refinements have evolved it into a mature and reliable input device. It remains a sturdy wedge with a large, pool-cue-sized trackball front and center. Four programmable buttons occupy the quadrants of the base, and a ring around the ball serves as a scroll wheel.
People Like:
  • Very good ergonomics.
  • Well-built design.
  • Fully compatible with Windows and MacOS.
People Dislike:
  • Trackball design may not be for everyone.
  • Latency and performance only suitable for basic use.
  • Not portable.
Owner Score
3,805 Reviews from 10 Sites
Media & Critic Score
2 Media Reviews
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How to Find the Right Trackball

In a survey (DOCX) published by trackball maker Kensington, respondents listed their top three reasons for switching to a trackball: speed and accuracy, ergonomics, and a lack of mouse space. Trackballs can be useful for people with a repetitive strain injury in their shoulder or wrist because using these devices requires different muscles than using a mouse. Cornell ergonomicist Alan Hedge pointed out to us that a trackball is most useful if it helps you keep your hand in the correct position: “The key to safely using either a trackball (or a mouse) is to operate the device with the hand in a neutral posture (this means the hand is straight and level, not bent up, down, left or right, or twisted).” This neutral position is easier to maintain with a trackball because unlike a mouse, a trackball doesn’t move. Hedge continued, “Rather than extending the hand upwards to allow the fingers to move the ball, it is better to use flat fingers or the palm of the hand to rotate the ball.” Trackballs come in two variations: finger-operated and thumb-operated. Finger-operated trackballs place the ball in the center, so you can use them right- or left-handed. And they often have a larger ball, which makes it easier to fling the cursor across a larger space, such as on a 4K monitor or across multiple monitors. Thumb-operated models look more like traditional mice but have a trackball on the left side, so they’re comfortable only for people who mouse right-handed (which is almost everyone). Since thumb-operated trackballs look and feel more like a traditional mouse, with a scroll wheel set between two top buttons, they’re easier to get the hang of. But their smaller ball requires more effort to move the cursor across the screen, so they’re better suited for use on single monitors or low-resolution displays.

Trackballs We Eliminated

We research and analyzed 7 trackballs. Here's what we concluded about the ones that didn't make the cut.
Kensington Orbit with Scroll Ring Trackball
Runner Up
Highly rated (87 owner score, 84 expert score), but a slight notch below the best.
 Elecom M-HT1DRBK Trackball
Runner Up
Highly rated (78 owner score, 83 expert score), but a slight notch below the best.
Logitech Trackman Marble Trackball
Runner Up
Highly rated (91 owner score, 65 expert score), but a slight notch below the best.
Kensington SlimBlade Trackball
Eliminated - Low Score
Owner score of 85 wasn't high enough for this to be considered.

Sources & Methodology uses a combination of machine learning and human editors to help you find the best products.
We start by aggregating and analyzing reviews from real owners and industry critics. We remove spam, sponsored reviews, and other forms of bias to make sure you get the best possible sense of what people actually think about products.
We convert every review to a weight average score from 0 to 100.
For this article, we analyzed 49,662 reviews from 36 sites to find the best trackball.