The Best Pillow for Combination Sleepers

We analyzed 5,353 reviews from 0 website to find the best pillow for combination sleepers. Sources included:

Top Pillow for Combination Sleepers

Why Consider This:
Xtreme Comforts designed their Shredded Memory Foam pillow specifically for combination sleepers. The pillow features a hypoallergenic, bamboo-based cover that's machine-washable and resits dust mites. The inside of the pillow is composed of shredded memory foam, and the zip enclosure allows you to remove or add foam to reach the perfect density.
People Like:
  • Shredded memory foam is extremely comfortable
  • Zippered enclosure allows you to remove foam to adjust density
  • Machine-washable
People Dislike:
  • Pillow smells for first day after unpackaging
  • Shredded Foam can feel a bit lumpy at times
Owner Score
3,007 Reviews from 4 Sites
Media & Critic Score
0 Media Reviews
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Why Consider This:
The Weekender Ventilated Gel Memory Foam pillow provides the pressure relief of a memory foam pillow without the added heat that most memory foams create.
People Like:
  • Extremely good value
  • Gel memory foam is much cooler than similar options
  • Great support for side and back sleepers
People Dislike:
  • Cover isn't as plush as higher-end options
Owner Score
1,851 Reviews from 8 Sites
Media & Critic Score
0 Media Reviews
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Top Performance
Best Pillow for Combination Sleepers Nest Bedding Easy Breather Pillow
$99 from 2 stores
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Why Consider This:
The Easy Breather Pillow provides a supportive yet soft experience that mimics a down and feather pillow while cradling your neck and providing proper support and opening up breathing passages. The zip enclosure allows you to remove foam to adjust the density of your pillow until it's perfect for you.
People Like:
  • Zip enclosure allows user to adjust density by removing foam
  • Thick cover prevents lumpiness
  • 100-day return policy
People Dislike:
  • Pricier than similar options
  • Some off-gassing smell, though less than similar products
Owner Score
19 Reviews from 2 Sites
Media & Critic Score
0 Media Reviews
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How to Find the Right Pillow for Combination Sleeper

Humans spend a third of their lives asleep. So if you're not sleeping well, it can be a huge pain in the neck. Also there are different types of sleeping patterns, one of which is a combination sleeper. If you've found yourself tossing and turning, shifting positions, or waking in a different sleep style each morning, you may be a combination sleeper. While these combined sleep habits are among the most commonly reported, the needs of combination sleepers can be tricky to accommodate, with many sleepers fitting into this sizable category shifting between a range of positions on a nightly basis, and members of this group differing from one another in significant ways. Although the needs of combination sleepers are broad in scope, selecting the ideal pillow for these nocturnal shifters is equally important as for side and back sleepers, and is as crucial to health and wellness as sleeping on the right mattress. Most pillows are designed specifically for people who sleep in one position. Thicker, denser pillows are good for those who sleep on their sides, while thinner pillows ensure proper alignment of your neck and spine while sleeping on your back or stomach. But if you sleep in multiple positions, a pillow designed specifically for combination sleepers will ensure you get the best possible sleep. These pillows typically incorporate newer technologies—like variable density shredded memory foam—to make sure your neck isn't too elevated when sleeping on your back or stomach, while elevating it just enough when sleeping on your side so that your shoulders don't hurt.

Pillow for Combination Sleepers We Eliminated

We research and analyzed 6 pillow for combination sleepers. Here's what we concluded about the ones that didn't make the cut.
Tuft & Needle Premium Pillow
Eliminated - Not Enough Reviews
Owner score of 81 but hard to properly evaluate with only 269 owner reviews.
Tempur-Pedic Tempur-Adapt Pro + Cooling Pillow
Eliminated - Not Enough Reviews
Owner score of 73 but hard to properly evaluate with only 124 owner reviews.
Purple Hyper-Elastic Polymer Pillow
Eliminated - Not Enough Reviews
Owner score of 71 but hard to properly evaluate with only 83 owner reviews.

Sources & Methodology uses a combination of machine learning and human editors to help you find the best products.
We start by aggregating and analyzing reviews from real owners and industry critics. We remove spam, sponsored reviews, and other forms of bias to make sure you get the best possible sense of what people actually think about products.
We convert every review to a weight average score from 0 to 100.
For this article, we analyzed 5,353 reviews from 0 sites to find the best pillow for combination sleeper.