The Best Indoor Cycling Bike

We analyzed 1,009 reviews from 13 websites to find the best indoor cycling bike. Sources included:
Business InsiderBest BuyTargetWIRED
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Top Indoor Cycling Bikes

Why Consider This:
The Diamondback 1260sc Rear Wheel Studio Cycle is a top-tier indoor cycle for your home gym. Although it’s made for residential use, it has the durability and specs you usually see on commercial-grade indoor bikes, meaning it can handle multiple riders of different sizes in the same household with ease. It has a 31-lb flywheel and 16 resistance levels—both enough to challenge even the most in-shape spinner/cyclist.
People Like:
  • Wide Resistance Rang
  • Versatile pedals (standard or SPD)
  • Connects to most apps and devices that monitor your activities
People Dislike:
  • Can't be compactly stored
  • No built-in programs
  • Warranty could be better
Owner Score
11 Reviews from 1 Sites
Media & Critic Score
2 Media Reviews
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Best Value
Best Indoor Cycling Bike Bowflex C6 Indoor Exercise Bike
$949 from 1 stores
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Why Consider This:
The C6 has a traditional stationary bike look and feel. It is not luxe. But if you want something on the simpler side that can be used with or without an app, this might be for you.
People Like:
  • Integrated tablet, smartphone, and water bottle holders
  • Delivers a quiet, smooth ride
  • Allows you to stream live classes
People Dislike:
  • The assembly instructions are too concise
  • Requires a tablet to sync with the workout app of your choice
  • The levers and the pedals don’t seem to be of similar quality to the rest of the bike
Owner Score
192 Reviews from 1 Sites
Media & Critic Score
2 Media Reviews
Top Performance
Best Indoor Cycling Bike Echelon EX5S Indoor Exercise Bike
$1,600 from 3 stores
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Why Consider This:
At a basic level, this bike is 100% geared towards those craving the latest and greatest tech, who want to rise to the top of leaderboards while training alongside fellow spin class enthusiasts without leaving their own homes. This bike is also a solid fit for those wanting a well-rounded set of workout options as well, as FitPass allows users to take advantage of a host of training options off of their bike as well.
People Like:
    People Dislike:
      Owner Score
      183 Reviews from 2 Sites
      Media & Critic Score
      2 Media Reviews
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      How Saves You Time

      When it comes to reviewing the best indoor cycling bike, is different than other sites. How?
      Unbiased & Unsponsored: aggregates and analyzes reviews from real owners and industry critics. We remove spam, sponsored reviews, and other forms of bias to make sure you get the best possible sense of what people actually think about products.
      Our reviews of the best indoor cycling bikes were based on 1,009 reviews from 13 websites.
      Get the Best Deal: aggregates sales from around the web, so you can get the best deal from a seller you actually trust.
      Find the Right Product: lets you search and compare products from thousands of sites in one place.

      How to Find the Right Indoor Cycling Bike

      not sure yet lol

      Indoor Cycling Bikes We Eliminated

      We research and analyzed 6 indoor cycling bikes. Here's what we concluded about the ones that didn't make the cut.
      Keiser M3i Indoor Exercise Bike
      Runner Up
      Highly rated (91 owner score, 93 expert score), but a slight notch below the best.
      Horizon Fitness IC7.9 Indoor Exercise Bike
      Runner Up
      Highly rated (56 owner score, 88 expert score), but a slight notch below the best.
      NordicTrack Commercial S22i Studio Cycle Indoor Exercise Bike
      Runner Up
      Highly rated (83 owner score, 75 expert score), but a slight notch below the best.

      Sources & Methodology uses a combination of machine learning and human editors to help you find the best products.
      We start by aggregating and analyzing reviews from real owners and industry critics. We remove spam, sponsored reviews, and other forms of bias to make sure you get the best possible sense of what people actually think about products.
      We convert every review to a weight average score from 0 to 100.
      For this article, we analyzed 1,009 reviews from 13 sites to find the best indoor cycling bike.