The Best Home Bluetooth Speaker

We analyzed 2,237 reviews from 30 websites to find the best home bluetooth speaker. Sources included:
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Top Home Bluetooth Speakers

Best for Most People
Best Home Bluetooth Speaker Audioengine B2 Bluetooth Speaker
$189 from 12 stores
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Why Consider This:
The Audioengine B2 Bluetooth speaker system will not disappoint audiophiles seeking flat response rather than boosted bass. However, if you're looking for a Bluetooth system with thumping bass, this is not the speaker for you, since it can distort on tracks with deep bass at top volumes.
People Like:
  • Accurate, mids-focused sound signature.
  • Attractive, simple design.
  • Easy to set up and use.
People Dislike:
  • Distorts on some tracks with deep low end at higher volumes.
  • Not for those seeking big bass.
  • Lacks smart features.
Owner Score
42 Reviews from 7 Sites
Media & Critic Score
2 Media Reviews
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Why Consider This:
Addon T5 is an amazing little speaker that carries a big punch. With optimized acoustic design to render stunning dynamics, deep bass and acoustic pressure in abundance, the Addon T5 performs bigger than it looks and will surprise the most inveterate hifi enthusiast.
People Like:
  • Great dynamism
  • Clear and transparent
  • Good sense of timing
People Dislike:
  • Lack of portability
  • Not weather sealed
  • No smart features
Owner Score
78 Reviews from 2 Sites
Media & Critic Score
2 Media Reviews
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Top Performance
Best Home Bluetooth Speaker Marshall WOBURN II Bluetooth Speaker
$236 from 11 stores
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Why Consider This:
The Marshall Woburn II is the muscle car of Bluetooth speakers, with dual woofers that produce powerful bass and a sound that’s robust enough to get a dozen people dancing. It also has convenient, top-mounted volume, bass, and treble controls that make it easy to adjust the sound to your liking.
People Like:
  • Excellent audio performance with powerful bass depth and solid clarity in the highs.
  • In-app EQ and adjustable bass and treble knobs.
  • Handsome design.
People Dislike:
  • No included audio cables or accessories.
  • Unattractive back panel.
  • Lacks Wi-Fi options.
Owner Score
166 Reviews from 8 Sites
Media & Critic Score
2 Media Reviews
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How to Find the Right Home Bluetooth Speaker

A Bluetooth tabletop speaker is perfect for someone who wants to enjoy higher-quality audio in their home in the simplest way possible, and for someone who doesn’t intend to move the speaker around often or use it outdoors. Since Bluetooth is included in all smartphones and tablets and in most newer laptops, you don’t have to worry about compatibility issues between these sources and your chosen speaker, and you don’t have to load any additional apps onto your phone, as you do with Sonos, Alexa, and other Wi-Fi–based speakers. Because you don’t need to connect the speaker to a Wi-Fi network, you’ll have no problem getting one of these speakers to work in places where network access is tightly controlled, such as in an office or a college dorm. Your guests can easily pair their phones with your speaker to play their favorite tunes, too. Because the speakers featured here are all-in-one designs, they don’t deliver the big, enveloping sound of separate stereo bookshelf speakers or computer speakers (though two of our picks can be paired with a second speaker to work that way). But they also don’t require complicated, unsightly speaker cables or additional components. This guide will help find the best home bluetooth speaker for your needs!

Home Bluetooth Speakers We Eliminated

We research and analyzed 7 home bluetooth speakers. Here's what we concluded about the ones that didn't make the cut.
Kanto SYD Bluetooth Speaker
Runner Up
Highly rated (88 owner score, 83 expert score), but a slight notch below the best.
Klipsch The Three II Bluetooth Speaker
Runner Up
Highly rated (100 owner score, 80 expert score), but a slight notch below the best.
Harmon Kardon Onyx Studio 5 Bluetooth Speaker
Runner Up
Highly rated (92 owner score, 78 expert score), but a slight notch below the best.
Fluance Fi50 Bluetooth Speaker
Runner Up
Highly rated (83 owner score, 72 expert score), but a slight notch below the best.

Sources & Methodology uses a combination of machine learning and human editors to help you find the best products.
We start by aggregating and analyzing reviews from real owners and industry critics. We remove spam, sponsored reviews, and other forms of bias to make sure you get the best possible sense of what people actually think about products.
We convert every review to a weight average score from 0 to 100.
For this article, we analyzed 2,237 reviews from 30 sites to find the best home bluetooth speaker.