The Best Headphone Under $200

We analyzed 15,370 reviews from 36 websites to find the best headphone under $200. Sources included:
WalmartB&H Photo VideoReverbGuitar CenterCrutchfield
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Top Headphones Under $200

Best for Most People
Best Headphone Under $200 Sony MDR-7506 Closed Back Headphones
$20 from 12 stores
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Why Consider This:
The Sony MDR-7506 are comfortable, closed-back critical listening headphones with a good sound. They're a little cheaply built but they don't leak much, which makes them a good option for recording. However, they're not the most versatile headphones, sot they won't stay on your head if you run with them and poorly isolate you from the ambient noise of your environment.
People Like:
  • Good audio reproduction.
  • Lightweight and comfortable design.
  • Low leakage.
People Dislike:
  • Poor noise isolation.
  • Unstable fit.
  • Plasticky and weak build quality.
Owner Score
7,950 Reviews from 8 Sites
Media & Critic Score
2 Media Reviews
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Why Consider This:
The Audio-Technica ATH-M30x are above-average-sounding headphones with a decently sturdy and comfortable design. They don't leak much and won't distract the people around you. However, they are not stable enough for gym use and won't fare as well in loud environments because they don't block much noise.
People Like:
  • Above-average sound reproduction.
  • Low leakage.
  • Comfortable.
People Dislike:
  • Poor noise isolation.
  • No audio controls.
  • No integrated mic.
Owner Score
2,024 Reviews from 7 Sites
Media & Critic Score
2 Media Reviews
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Why Consider This:
The Audio-Technica ATH-M40x are decent headphones with outstanding, studio-quality sound. They feel sturdy and are fairly comfortable but offer no control options for your audio. They also only provide passive isolation, which might not be enough to block the noise of some listeners' commutes.
People Like:
  • Excellent sound quality
  • Good noise isolation
  • Sturdy build
People Dislike:
  • Earcups only swivel at 90 degrees while the M50/M50x are 180
  • No buttons or audio controls
  • No mic / remote
Owner Score
3,181 Reviews from 3 Sites
Media & Critic Score
2 Media Reviews
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How to Find the Right Headphone Under $200

Over-ear headphones in this price range are made for people seeking a first serious pair to immerse themselves in their listening experience without breaking the bank. A good set of headphones at this price level should create a clear, balanced sound that accurately represents what the recording artist (be it musician, movie composer, or game sound designer) intended. Closed-back headphones in this range should also seal in the listening material and shut out ambient noise. These are great headphones for students, office workers looking to block distractions, recording artists in the booth at a professional or home recording studio, aspiring DJs/musicians/producers (or those just starting their career), or anyone who wants the best sound possible at a reasonable “entry-level” price. The headphones in this guide are more generally intended for people sitting at desk, working with music, or even gamers who have microphone set up separately from their headphones. Usually, these will provide wonderful sound quality in games, while providing great music quality also (something most gaming headsets can't boast of). Also, these aren't meant for people who workout, as they don't have a great seal on the head, while the body is moving around. This guide will help you find $200 pair of headphones, just for you!

Headphones Under $200 We Eliminated

We research and analyzed 7 headphones under $200. Here's what we concluded about the ones that didn't make the cut.
AKG K275 Studio Headphones
Runner Up
Highly rated (87 owner score, 87 expert score), but a slight notch below the best.
AKG K371 Studio Headphones
Runner Up
Highly rated (100 owner score, 85 expert score), but a slight notch below the best.
Audio-Technica ATH-M50x Studio Headphones
Runner Up
Highly rated (94 owner score, 84 expert score), but a slight notch below the best.

Sources & Methodology uses a combination of machine learning and human editors to help you find the best products.
We start by aggregating and analyzing reviews from real owners and industry critics. We remove spam, sponsored reviews, and other forms of bias to make sure you get the best possible sense of what people actually think about products.
We convert every review to a weight average score from 0 to 100.
For this article, we analyzed 15,370 reviews from 36 sites to find the best headphone under $200.