The Best Gaming Headset

We analyzed 30,019 reviews from 32 websites to find the best gaming headset. Sources included:
WalmartBest BuyStaplesSoundGuys
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Top Gaming Headsets

Best for Most People
Best Gaming Headset HyperX Cloud Alpha Gaming Headset
$68 from 10 stores
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Why Consider This:
The HyperX Cloud Alpha is more comfortable for extended wear than the other headphones we tested. The removable microphone is adequate for talking to teammates, though it will make you sound a bit stuffy. The aluminum construction is confidence-inspiring despite the headset’s lightweight, and the materials feel of higher quality than other headsets in this price range.
People Like:
  • Sleek, premium design
  • Soft and cushy ear cups
  • Impressive audio quality
People Dislike:
  • Ear cups can feel snug
  • Microphone picks up some noise
  • Not very portable
Owner Score
2,603 Reviews from 9 Sites
Media & Critic Score
2 Media Reviews
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Best Value
Best Gaming Headset Corsair HS50 Gaming Headset
$42 from 16 stores
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Why Consider This:
The Corsair HS50 is the best sounding, best-built headset you can get for less than $50. It’s not as adjustable and comfortable as our main pick, the construction doesn’t feel as solid, and the sound isn’t as detailed as the Cloud Alpha, but at half the price, we wouldn’t expect it to be.
People Like:
  • Comfortable fit
  • Decent game audio
  • Inexpensive
People Dislike:
  • Disappointing music performance
  • Dated design
  • No defining features
Owner Score
1,582 Reviews from 12 Sites
Media & Critic Score
2 Media Reviews
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Top Performance
Best Gaming Headset Sennheiser GSP 300 Gaming Headset
$75 from 14 stores
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Why Consider This:
If you want a better mic than the HyperX Cloud Alpha, get the Sennheiser GSP 300. Voices come across clearly, and the GSP 300’s sound is as well-tuned for games as the Cloud Alpha’s. Our panelists with larger heads, however, didn't find the GSP 300 as comfortable, plus the GSP 300 is plastic and feels cheaper than the Alpha.
People Like:
  • Comfortable
  • Simple setup
  • Competent across multiple genres
People Dislike:
  • Expensive for what it does
  • So-so microphone
  • Music performance could be better
Owner Score
1,133 Reviews from 9 Sites
Media & Critic Score
2 Media Reviews
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Our reviews of the best gaming headsets were based on 30,019 reviews from 32 websites.
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How to Find the Right Gaming Headset

If you play a lot of multiplayer games and are looking for the simplest way to communicate with teammates, you should consider a gaming headset. With a built-in microphone that often includes background noise cancelling, a headset is useful for games like Overwatch, Fortnite, or Destiny 2. If you don’t play multiplayer games with voice chat, you should buy a good pair of headphones instead. For less money, you’ll get better sounding, nicer looking headphones that won’t look awkward away from your gaming computer. If you already have a pair of headphones you love, you can add a microphone to them using a Modmic. The Modmic sticks onto any headphones with a sticker attached to a magnet (so you can remove the mic when not in use). Also f you stream games online or you’re looking for a headset that can also work for the occasional meeting, podcasting, or professional recording, a gaming headset is not the best option. Most gaming headset microphones are fine in-game, cancelling out background sounds of keyboard sounds or roommates, but it’s not broadcast-quality. If mic sound quality is important to you, you'll get better clarity and vocal fidelity from a USB microphone paired with good headphones.

Gaming Headsets We Eliminated

We research and analyzed 7 gaming headsets. Here's what we concluded about the ones that didn't make the cut.
HyperX Cloud Flight Gaming Headset
Runner Up
Highly rated (87 owner score, 80 expert score), but a slight notch below the best.
SteelSeries Arctis 7 Gaming Headset
Runner Up
Highly rated (86 owner score, 78 expert score), but a slight notch below the best.
HyperX Cloud II  Gaming Headset
Runner Up
Highly rated (90 owner score, 70 expert score), but a slight notch below the best.
Sennheiser Game One Gaming Headset
Runner Up
Highly rated (86 owner score, 55 expert score), but a slight notch below the best.

Sources & Methodology uses a combination of machine learning and human editors to help you find the best products.
We start by aggregating and analyzing reviews from real owners and industry critics. We remove spam, sponsored reviews, and other forms of bias to make sure you get the best possible sense of what people actually think about products.
We convert every review to a weight average score from 0 to 100.
For this article, we analyzed 30,019 reviews from 32 sites to find the best gaming headset.