The Best Electric Razor

We analyzed 18,206 reviews from 3 websites to find the best electric razor. Sources included:

Top Electric Razors

Best for Most People
Best Electric Razor Braun Series 7 Men's Electric Foil Shaver
$200 from 7 stores
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Why Consider This:
Over the past 10 years, Braun has consistently produced the best electric razors in the industry. We recommend the Series 7 because it is almost as good as the higher end Series 9 (our Top Performer in Electric Razors) for half the price.
People Like:
  • Close, smooth shave
  • Battery life
  • Lifetime value
People Dislike:
  • Price
  • Large, loud charging station
  • Trimmer hard to use/maintain
Owner Score
2,154 Reviews from 7 Sites
Media & Critic Score
0 Media Reviews
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Why Consider This:
The Philips Nerelco OneBlade is far less expensive than other electric razors, and those with sensitive skin love that the razor doesn't irritate their faces. While the OneBlade doesn't shave quite as close as some other razors, most owners aren't bothered by the slightly more distant shave.
People Like:
  • Great value for low price
  • Small and compact
  • Good for sensitive skin
People Dislike:
  • 8 hour charge time
  • Shave not baby smooth
  • Shaving mount easy to break
Owner Score
1,271 Reviews from 7 Sites
Media & Critic Score
0 Media Reviews
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Top Performance
Best Electric Razor Braun Series 9 Men's Electric Foil Shaver
$290 from 9 stores
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Why Consider This:
The most advanced electric razor from Braun. This is the most complete, best performing electric razor out there. It is expensive, but most current owners say that it's worth the high price tag.
People Like:
  • Super smooth shave
  • Good for sensitive skin
  • Works quickly
People Dislike:
  • Expensive
  • High defect rate
  • Cannot use while charging
Owner Score
2,627 Reviews from 9 Sites
Media & Critic Score
0 Media Reviews
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Our reviews of the best electric razors were based on 18,206 reviews from 3 websites.
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Find the Right Product: lets you search and compare products from thousands of sites in one place.

How to Find the Right Electric Razor

Two of the reasons you may prefer using an electric razor on your face instead of a manual one are convenience (being able to shave anytime, anywhere without water) and safety (no risk of nicks). If you find manual shaving too rough on your skin, try electric. Although neither method is specifically more gentle, people who have problems with one kind of shaving or razor often do better when they switch. Those with especially coarse or curly facial hair can be particularly predisposed to ingrown hairs and razor bumps, and the less-close shave of an electric razor, or shaver, can help.1 Though most manufacturers insist that their electric devices can smooth your face as well as a traditional blade (and this may be true for some people), the physical mechanics—how electric shavers actually remove your stubble—create a closeness limit that some owners will certainly notice. If a close shave is your top priority, you may find that an electric razor simply cannot compare to a manual one. There are a few things that one should consider before purchasing an electric razor. Rinsability, or the ease of rinsing out the shaver in the sink is very important. The ergonomics of shaver is important as well. It should be easy to hold and maneuver around the contours of one's face. Other extra features worth paying attention to, might be a cleaning system, a display (at least showing battery. Any more is unnecessary.), a carrying case can be very helpful additions.

Electric Razors We Eliminated

We research and analyzed 7 electric razors. Here's what we concluded about the ones that didn't make the cut.
Panasonic Arc 4 Men's Electric Shaver
Runner Up
Highly rated (89 owner score, 88 expert score), but a slight notch below the best.
Remington Arms F5 Power Series Electric Shaver
Runner Up
Highly rated (83 owner score, 85 expert score), but a slight notch below the best.
Panasonic USA Arc5 Electric Razor
Runner Up
Highly rated (90 owner score, 80 expert score), but a slight notch below the best.
Philips Norelco Shaver 9300 Electric Razor
Runner Up
Highly rated (82 owner score, 80 expert score), but a slight notch below the best.

Sources & Methodology uses a combination of machine learning and human editors to help you find the best products.
We start by aggregating and analyzing reviews from real owners and industry critics. We remove spam, sponsored reviews, and other forms of bias to make sure you get the best possible sense of what people actually think about products.
We convert every review to a weight average score from 0 to 100.
For this article, we analyzed 18,206 reviews from 3 sites to find the best electric razor.